
Arterial Link in Societal Development


“Engineers play a very important role in every walk of life and they help to improve the living conditions of common people” — a very true statement from none other than our former President Pranab Mukherjee, a very distinguished personality. 

Engineers are involved with every developmental activity, right from selecting a nail to building complex structures to power stations for generation to distribution of electric power to the people. In fact, the list would be endless, as engineers come out from their drawing desks to make their designs and dreams a reality.  Much more than that, engineers actively take part in day-to-day deliberations and innovations for advancements in technology, which can reach even the farthest resident of the country. But this will be possible only when an effective communication network is established. Considering the different terrains of our nation, communication network cables pass through above ground or underground passages, from the shallow riverbeds to the hilly slopes and also on the single poles to the towering towers. 

In the long-run engineering profession fuses scientific knowledge and mathematics to experiment, innovate, influence and develop different means and services beneficial for societal improvement in the long run.  

Engineers design and build these installations, which ultimately benefits the entire community apart from working with machines and electronics. Thus, in the long-run engineering profession fuses scientific knowledge and mathematics to experiment, innovate, influence and develop different means and services beneficial for societal improvement in the long run.  

Need for communication

What is Society? The term “society” came from the Latin word societies, which in turn was derived from the noun socius (comrade, friend) used to describe a bond or interaction between parties that are friendly. A society is a body of individuals outlined by the bounds of functional interdependence, possibly comprising characteristics such as national or cultural identity, social solidarity, language, or hierarchical structure.

Society is a group of individuals involving social interactions sharing the same geographical territory with the same political authority. Societies are also subject to frequent changes with individuals and residents moving in and out, resources replacements, new dwellings shaping up etc. When the community grows, facilities and all related utilities should also be developed along with societal development., 

Communication is the process whereby an individual or group conveys, consciously or unconsciously, information to another individual or group. The information may be facts, feelings or ideas. In organizations, communication bridges the gap between the management and the employees.  Communication has to flow from both senior management levels to all employees down below and vice versa. Similarly, in societies too, communication should flow from civic authorities to residents to convey instructions or developmental needs and take suggestions from residents for better life.   

Engineering influences and shapes our world – physically, digitally, socially and economically. The inventions and innovations of engineering have created networking possibilities that were unthinkable in the past.

Engineering influences and shapes our world – physically, digitally, socially and economically. The inventions and innovations of engineering have created networking possibilities that were unthinkable in the past. They have remodeled our lives to evolve changes in our daily life. In the 1960s, telephones were a luxury. Telegraph offices did not have the facility of direct long-distance calls. I still remember, during 1972-74, I used to accompany my senior engineer in the night around 9 pm to the nearest central telegraph office around thirty kilometers away in Ahmedabad in a two-wheeler to make a trunk call to our head office in Chennai. We had to wait almost two to three hours for the call to materialize and return around midnight. 

Today, looking back after almost five decades, I feel proud to see the changes that have shaped the communication revolution. Today, people need not sit through the night at telegraph offices and book calls to their offices, relatives or friends. Mobile phones are handy instruments that allow us to talk to someone from wherever we are, to download data, and access emails and much else on the World Wide Web.

Nowadays, fishermen who sail in the sea or rivers and tourists to far-off places have the option to talk to their near ones through such mobile units.

Our telecommunication network is the second largest in the world by number of telephone users (both fixed and mobile phone). As of 31 December 2023, there were 1.158 billion wireless subscribers in India (including inactive users) according to Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).

Mobile telephones have changed the lives of people completely. Information passes on from person to person quickly. Our telecommunication network is the second largest in the world by number of telephone users (both fixed and mobile phone). As of 31 December 2023, there were 1.158 billion wireless subscribers in India (including inactive users) according to Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). The growing internet penetration in India surpassed a new milestone of 800Mn as total Active Internet Users reached 820MN in 2023, meaning more than 55% of Indians have used the internet last year. India had a population of 143 crore people. The e-commerce space has witnessed robust growth in the electronic products and peripherals segment with a 46.8% Year over Year order volume growth and Gross Merchandise Volume grew by 20.6% in FY-2023.


Telecommunication has supported the socioeconomic development of India and has significantly narrowed down the rural-urban digital divide. Telecommunication facilities are being used now to deliver mass education programmes for the rural folk of India. Communication can give and share information to employees and residents about various instructions, hazards and risks posed by chemicals and other hazardous materials used in the various factories, units and other processes. Digital communication provides vital information about the harmful effects of atmospheric pollutants in the locality that are emitted by various factories. Air quality index is now on every smartphone by which the residents can gauge the quality of air they inhale. Health information is very important for any resident and corrective actions initiated improve the health and lifestyle of people. 

Engineers should be aware of societal needs, constantly updating people on how engineering can transform lives. If engineers can work along with the public and help to address their concerns in the most effective and affordable means, then the nation can make great progress. Engineering is behind those technologies and which demonstrates its commitment to provide essential services such as energy and healthcare.

Engineers should be aware of societal needs, constantly updating people on how engineering can transform lives.

Engineering connects with remote workplaces and conducts effective virtual meetings through Skype or Video conferencing modes which reduces travel and thus saves time. These are all helping the economy grow, creating jobs and prosperity.

Telecommunications has turned out to be one of the prime movers of modern information flow. Submarine cables are laid down by using specially modified ships (sometimes even purpose-built ships) that carry the submarine cable on board and slowly lay it out on the seabed as per the charts/plans given by the cable operator. The ships can carry with them up to 2,000 kilometers length of cable.

These fiber optic cables carry DWDM (Dense wavelength – Division Multiplexing) laser signals (TCP/IP packets etc.) at a rate of terabytes per second. They use optical repeaters to strengthen the signal which attenuates over long distances. These are powered by copper cables shown above. They have a decade lifespan and costs vary (depending on the length of the cable). Typical costs for projects are anywhere from US$ 100 Million to $500 Million.


2.”Mylar” tape

3.Stranded metal (steel) wires

4.Aluminum water barrier


6.Copper or aluminum tube

7.Petroleum jelly

8.Optical fibers

The cross section of the cables laid in the sea bed are numbered above with respect to the cable shown below. The cable is effectively incompressible so hydrostatic pressure (the pressure on the cable due to water) will have negligible effect. The hydrostatic pressure is over the entire area of the cable so there is effectively no differential in pressure.

Many local administrations have switched over to data acquisition through internet facilities at the village level. Details of residents, their healthcare schemes and connectivity with hospitals are available in Panchayats.   The Ministry of Panchayati Raj in India has been strengthening administration at the district and village levels with the help of the latest communication tools. Panchayat presidents hold discussions with citizens on various schemes that are being proposed and develop each locality through person-to-person contacts or with other modes of communication.

Information on basic infrastructure such as roads, potable water, sanitation, electric power connections, planting more trees for ecological balance, community welfare activities etc. are notified using communication technology. E-governance too is being resorted to in a big way.

Weather forecasts are also broadcast in advance to people through satellite communications. People benefit from this as the forecasts are more or less accurate with regard to rains, drought, snowfalls, flash floods, floods, thunderstorms, etc. This helps the people to take appropriate action to safeguard crops and prevent damage to properties.

In the Sultanate of Oman, flash floods create havoc with the lives of people who live and move in those areas. But warning messages are sent through mobile phones and people are asked to take appropriate precaution from possible damages during such periods. The progress of communication through such alerts is extremely useful and makes life happier.
Risk Communication enables officials and team members to determine the probability of a risk materializing and its possible impact as in the case of cyclonic storms or depressions which may bring heavy wind and torrential rain. It enables analysts to forecast possible hazards and risks in such areas. It also prepares the community to mentally prepare and deal with short or long-term effects of the hazards and apply proper risk management techniques. Information on risks associated with hazards is important for any organization as well as society. 
Coastal communities can effectively utilize social capacities for disaster response. Primary respondents of Kerala floods-2018 were satisfied with transportation facilities, social media support, water and food supply and support from uniformed forces and Local Self Governments. Communicating risks effectively will help everyone counter problems ranging from litigation to damage of property and losses. During heavy rains and floods, the risk factors are high for people living near foothills. Landslides can occur and most often this happens during night when the people are asleep. Such landslides disrupt rail connectivity. Timely actions can prevent damages or loss of lives. 

Communicating risks effectively will help everyone counter problems ranging from litigation to damage of property and losses. During heavy rains and floods, the risk factors are high for people living near foothills.

Most people have now adapted themselves to online business and there is no necessity to stand in queue at the railway stations or bus stations or at airports to book travel tickets. India’s e-retail market is estimated to scale to $57–$60 billion in 2023, adding $8–$12 billion annually since 2020. It is also noteworthy that 66% of on-line shoppers buy products on recommendations through social media networks and nearly 76% of customers rely on social media for making their purchase decisions. 
India has the highest number of WhatsApp users at 535.8 million (Statista) in 2024. The number is rising at the rate of 16.6% every year. The second contender, Brazil, is much behind at 118.5 million users. The reason for India’s high numbers is its significant population. This trend among the citizens has also boosted the sale of smartphones across the country as this mode connects people quickly and communication spreads quickly. 
Negatives and risks

Though there are many positive sides of communication, there are negative aspects as well. Sometimes people do not respond to such alerts and this results in damages and losses. Human behavior plays a major role in reciprocation. Participation should be wholehearted and effective to fetch positive results.

There are many barriers to good communication. For example, in a worksite, disturbance due to various machines in operation and their noise hampers the effectiveness of communication. During rains or severe sand storms, disruption in communication takes place. 

Proper language which is easily understood to people should be used in communication and should be decent and clear that residents in the community should not feel offended or take it in any negative manner. Lots of messages are spread through social media causing a lot of negative feelings and embarrassment among the people.

People should realize the ill-effects that may cause damages to the society through spreading of such messages and cyber security acts should play vital roles in safeguarding the interests of society. Negative language creates a stir among residents in the community and it ignites conflict within the society.

Good communication always reduces conflict and leaves pleasant memories. When we receive negative communication from others, our brain releases a chemical called cortisol. This chemical is released when we experience uncomfortable situations or feel under threat. Its purpose is to alert us to situations and when stressed and anxious, our heart rate rises and sometimes we even break into a sweat. 
It is to be ensured that we should not hurt the sentiments and emotions of people during communication. One should not use threatening words and phrases. By using such language, the communication distracts the main issues, and becomes personal. Likewise, negative body language or gestures create a poor impression on others.

This includes failing to make eye contact, crossing your arms or shifting during conversation. Physical nervous ticks, such as cracking your knuckles or picking at your nails, make you seem disinterested in the conversation. Some physical behaviors, such as looking around or checking your watch during conversation, should be avoided. 

Cell phones and mobile devices allow users to stay connected even when away from their computers. While this can be a great benefit, especially in emergencies, it can also be a dangerous distraction. Hundreds of thousands of people suffer injuries every year and lose lives in accidents involving a distracted driver who uses cell phones for calls and texting messages while driving.

While it may take only a few seconds to read a text message, that split second is enough for the vehicle to hit someone or overturn causing injuries and damages. Instant messaging or calls can be very distracting while in the office or homes as the user’s attention is drawn away from other significant matters.

Technology can also affect the quality of communication. One of the great benefits of the Internet is its anonymity, allowing users to explore and communicate and gather information without having to give away their personal details. Unfortunately, this can also lead to users behaving in ways completely different from what they would do during a face-to-face conversation. Young people are prone to online hostility, with nearly 43 per cent of children reporting that they’ve suffered online bullying, 25 per cent of them on more than one occasion., 
Another potential hazard of the modern modes of communication is lack of privacy. Communications sent over the Internet may be insecure, allowing third parties to read email conversations or intercept instant messages. If an outsider manages to compromise an email account or application, he may gain access to months or even years of correspondence. Encryption can help keep communications safe from prying eyes, but protecting every link in the social communication chain can be difficult. Malware authors are even beginning to target phones and mobile devices, recognizing them as always-available windows into their owners’ personal domain.


Communication technologies have created a revolution in everyday life. Technological advances have several positive impacts on the modern era of network communication. Business is carried out from the farther and remote locations thousands of miles away successfully. Ultimately what counts is delivery of products and services effectively and successfully.

Electronic communication has changed modern day work and life. Most industries and sectors get the benefit of modern communication. However, communication also has a lot of disadvantages and negatives that change the mindset of people, cause imbalance in the psychology of people, often prying into the privacy of individuals and causing social harassment through social media. Even though technological advances bring pleasant memories, it also should be taken with caution as human life is more important than losses and damages.  Communication skills and technology are central to this task. Governments should include policies to effectively plan and implement various communication programmes. We are headed towards an Information Society, where everyone can create, access, utilise and share information and knowledge enabling individuals, communities and people to achieve sustainable development and improve their quality of life.

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